ESEPAC, in partnership with leaders in the luxury industry, specializing in Packaging training for over 30 years, has developed a Master and a Licence dedicated to industrial packaging development.
The training is proposed in apprenticeship or internship to 165 students. The students perform their studies in a rythm mainly focused on hands on experience. 70% of their training represent business project, research, professional competition and pratical work. A yearly €170.000 investment program gives ESEPAC very attractive facilities. Esepac conducts packaging professionals in acquiring experience accreditation (VAE) and training throughout their life. It offers a comprehensive range of training sessions such as packaging development process, colormanagement, packaging expertise, etc.
80% of the students join the industry 4 monthes after graduation, with good levels of responsibilities.


Formation Packaging

Formation Packaging

L’Esepac, une référence dans le monde de l’Emballage : 160 étudiants par an, dont 85 % en alternance; travail en groupe réduit de 18 à 24 étudiants, Plus de 1100



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