What do you think of our RUDE Collection awarded by LuxePack in Green? Don't miss the interview!

We are so delited to be awarded with the Luxepack in Green prize, because of the sustainability of our RUDE Collection! Thanks to our passion for natural beauty solutions and maximum eco-efficiency. In Estal we will continue working for the new glass packaging required by the current environmentally friendly society.

The RUDE Collection

The RUDE Collection is designed in a way that is perfectly recognisable and different from the rest of the spirits on the market.

Aesthetic imperfections and slight colour variations between them do not pose a problem, on the contrary, they are more than welcome. We love them and they help us reduce wasted production up to 25%.

Wild Glass Colour

You can choose between two different glass colours. Wild Flint Glass and Wild Dark Glass. Our patented Wild Glass is the only one in the world that uses up to 100% Post Consumer Recycled glass content (PCR) and accepts all types of recovered glass, creating a really interesting and truly organic colour range.

Be sure to watch InfoMonaco TV channel’s interview with our commercial director Jan Garcia about the new designs, weight reduction, special mouths and 100% recyclable material of the Rude Collection.

Discover all the interview!

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