Tapematic glows in the dark.

The new photoluminescent method for surface decoration of articles

Tapematic is pleased to announce the grant of US Patent (US10889885B2) and European Patent (EP3441232A1) pertaining to a Photoluminescent Method for Surface Decoration of Articles.
This patent represents an exclusive, innovative, decoration method, which allows parts to have a unique photoluminescent effect, allowing anticounterfeiting properties.
During the day, light parts have a metallic effect, while in the dark, parts are completely photoluminescent or show a photoluminescent image, logo, pattern, and/or variable data.
This process can be produced automatically inline by installing the Tapematic IDM II module with the PST Line II.
Tapematic plan is to offer license agreements for the US and EU Patent, plus the equipment and technology that allows obtaining this unique decoration.

Tapematic glows in the dark.

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