Guerlain and its love for bees and biodiversity
The Guerlain bee is more than just a method of expression for the brand: it has aided the protection and safeguarding of this precious insect.
In 2010, Guerlain’s R&D teams were searching for the ideal components for its, at the time, future bestseller, the Abeille Royale collection. After doing global research, the Guerlain team discovered the black bee on the island of Ouessant, a UNESCO Natural Reserve. These bees enjoyed an ecosystem considered to be one of the purest in the world.
This discovery marked the commencement of a long-term collaboration with the ACANB (Association Conservatoire de l’Abeille Noire Bretonne), of which supplies Guerlain with a portion of its annual honey production, in exchange for financial support for its actions in favour of bees.