Salvalco partners with Rossmann to release new eco-valve deodorant range

Salvalco has launched its new Isana deodorant range with Rossmann, employing the innovative eco-valve technology with nitrogen propellant.

The Isana sprays are packaged in a 95% recycled material aluminum can, crafted from natural and vegan ingredients, which offer an array of refreshing and floral scents, completely free from toxic LPG propellants.

Rossmann were the first major brand in Europe to start using Eco-Valve back in 2021 so it’s great to see them embracing the technology further and the benefits of nitrogen with their flagship brand Isana too. We are delighted to continue to support them in their corporate sustainability drive and their commitment to developing more sustainable aerosol solutions, healthier lifestyles and organic and vegan based formulations” said Peter Shaw, Managing Director, Salvalco.

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